My goals for 2021 plus a free goal setting workbook

Did you know? That merely fantasizing about your goals is de-motivating. It actually tricks the brain into thinking you already have achieved it. Goals that arent set up properly can end up having the opposite effect.

Setting and achieving your goals is actually pretty easy so ive read while researching the subject for writing this post about my goals for the new year, 2021. It says to follow 4 pretty easy logical steps, and walla… You will achieve your goals so you can live a life your in love with. Ive included a free worksheet to help you along through the steps as well.

#1 find your emotional temperature, by rating the following areas of your life on the goal wheel i have included in the workbook. Plot on the scale from 1-10 (1 being extremely dissatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied)

Areas of your life to rate:

Business: How do you feel about your work, career , or business effectiveness and success?

Friends: How is your social life ? Your friendships and support system?

Family: How are your personal relationships? With your kids? Your partner? Or your spouse?

Personal Passions: Do you have personal passion projects? Hobbies? Or fun activities that fulfill you?

Spiritual: This you can interpret how ever you like. Could be your faith? Mental health? Personal journey? Or Mindset?

Health: Are you happy with your physical health and wellness?

Here is a picture of my goal wheel after i filled it out in the goal setting workbook i have attached to this post.

As you can see in not really happy about any areas of my life going into this 2021 year. Anyway moving on….

#2 Taking ownership of what we want our perfect outcome to be. When we own something we work to keep it for the most part.

Here are what i want to own go be my outcomes for the this year.

Business: Get my blog to generate some sort of income. Hopefully a substantial one so it can take the place of a job. Or i can use it to get one of my other business ideas to make profit.

Family: Start having two visits a week with my kids and reconnect with them and find my way back into there little lives after this divorce and other factors have had us apart for way too long.

Friends: Spend more time with my girlfriends. Write down who is in my support system and let them know i need them to help keep me accountable for making my goals happen.

Personal Passions: Start filling up the scrapbooks i bought. And do more crafts that i find interesting. And creat more printables for my etsy shop!

Spiritual: Im going to say this as my mental health and reduce my anxiety and get myself out of this depression i have currently been experiencing.

Health: Lose weight to get back to my goal weight of 120lbs. Which really isnt that thin being only 5 feet

You can use the workbook to fill in your outcomes your looking to own up to and make happen in 2021.

#3 Process we need to follow to make our goals into reality. What skills do you need to use and what kind of plan do you need to follow to own the outcomes we set for ourselves in number 2. Heres mine.

Business: Work on different income options for my blog .printables, affiliate marketing. And hope i am good enough at at least one so i can start making some money.

Family: Do more research into a professional supervisor or visitation center. Schedule a time to meet with or have a phone chat with a couple. Pick the one thats i think is going to be the best fit for my kids and i. Then contact my ex husband to figure out what tines and where would work best for my kids schedules and mine as well. Then start having visits. Ugh it seems like so much i just want to drive to there house knock on the door and hug my babies already. I should have done this WAY SOONER and im probably the worst mom in the world taking so long to get professional visits strated but its $75 an hour money im still not quite sure how im gonna come up with but at this point i dont care. Its been WAY to long and my ex isnt budging on letting someone natural (and free) supervise visits because trust me ive been trying ever since this all started and no one is ever good enough in his opinion. So i guess thats just hows its gonna have to be because i cant be without my kids anymore but i still think its so wrong to ask a parent (especially one who was the kids primary care giver 24/7 for 13 years and is barley scrapping by finical wise) to have to pay to be able to see there children. It seems so wrong to me especially when i know im no sort of threat to my now teenagers what so ever. Ugh ok enough on that!

Friends: Find a fun class maybe a cocktails and crafts type thing and hit up my girls and schedule it. Maybe a spa day as well!. Then take a page in my journal and write down my support group and give each one a call and ask them if they don’t mind helping me ne more accountable for my goals that i want more then anything to achieve. 2021 is my year! Yeah….

Personal passions: Buy some paper and stickers and print out a bunch of pictures and get started on those scrap books make sure i put time in my weekly schedule for that and for other crafts i like to do like maybe my candy bouquets i love making those maybe figure out how to make some money with them. As well as set time to make printables in my schedule as well, try and add 3 new printables to my etsy shop a week.

Spiritual: Start walking/ running again it really helps with my anxiety. And maybe schedule a doctors appointment to see about getting back on zolaf because that stuff helped so much to help me regulate my emotions.

Health: The walking/ running is gonna help here as well. As well as adding other workouts to my schedule. Also drinking more water(half my body weight in oz a day) and start tracking what i eat again in the my fitness pal app.

And last but not least….

#4 identify your blockers. Because if you know what can possibly get in your way of reaching your goals, you can have somewhat of a plan to work around them or avoid them all together.

So to identify our blockers we need to answer the following questions TRUTHFULLY to be successful!

A) What logic constraints might make it difficult to achieve my goals?

B) What behaviors might make it difficult to achieve my goals?

C) Who might make it difficult to achieve my goals?

I know this part is quite personal for most or maybe it isnt but it is for me. But trust me i know my blockers and know which ones i need to avoid and which ones i need to plan for. Do you?

If you want to set your own goals here is a link to my file on drop box that has it so if you want to download it.


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